Friday, October 12, 2012

Commutative Property of Multiplication

        For the last couple of weeks my class and I have been working on multiplication and I am super impressed with how well they are doing!  It is crazy how that just seven weeks ago the kids were like UGH, multiplication it is going to be so hard . . . and now they have strategies, yea!!! 
        The primary teacher in me knows the power of music (we sang everything back when I taught K and 1st).  So whenever we are going to tackle something hard, confusing, etc... I write a song to help my kiddos remember and then we sing!
        This week I wrote a commutative property of multiplication song.  It's nothing fancy but I wanted to share.  The tune is to Freres Jacques (which was a booger to spell!)  The lyrics are:

Switch the factors
Switch the factors
Either way
Either way
It doesn't matter which is first
It doesn't matter which is first
The product's the same
The product's the same 

It's a little dorky I know, but I thought that I would share in case you might be able to use it with your own students.  Happy singing!!!  


  1. I LOVE it! Songs are awesome to use with kids. (Sadly my 5th graders don't want to sing. They are way to cool.) Wait to go on the creative idea!


  2. Thanks! I totally know about the too cool for song stage-this was actually one of my biggest fears about leaving the primary grades for 3rd but so far so good!
