Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas! and a To Do List

       I think that just about everyone is now finally on Christmas break.  I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, yeah I'm a rebel.  I don't say happy holidays : )  I also wanted to thank everyone for sharing and posting so many great ideas this year!  I am looking forward to learning along with you in 2012.

       As for my To Do List  . . . I like many of you took many things home to work on over the break.  I just have been so busy doing other things like, sleeping in, spending time with my dog during the day and hubby at night, and watching chick flicks that my teacher bag (honestly I rolled home my teacher cart) has yet to be unpacked.  So I suppose I should go ahead and get started . . . maybe after one more movie : )  For everyone else that is enjoying the time off and "slacking" don't feel guilty we are entitled to a vacation!  Enjoy the break it will be over before we know it. 

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