Saturday, September 24, 2011

Words Their Way

       This week I am beginning word study with my students using the Words Their Way word lists.  Last week I gave the sneak peek (this is what I call pre-tests, it is from my years in first grade), then of course I graded everyone's papers and completed the profile on my kiddos.  I was able to group my kids into four manageable groups.  I am actually very excited to see if this helps my students move beyond being just "Friday spellers." 
        Does anyone else use Words Their Way?  I would love to hear about your experiences!  I have done spelling investigations with my students for the past five years so I am already used to my students having differentiated words that are more appropriate to their level but I am curious if there is anything that I should know before I get started.  So if you, or anyone you know has stories (the good, the bad, and the ugly) I would love for you to share them.  If anyone else is trying this out for the first time perhaps we could go through our "growing pains" together. 


  1. Small world. My school is in their first year of using Words Their Way. I had used the program prior to coming to my current school. Check out the blog my friend and I created. We have a post about Words Their Way this week.


  2. If you do the card sorts this link may be helpful. It's saved me a bunch of time, because I used to make all of my own sorts.
