Thursday, July 12, 2012

What a Thrilling Thursday!

        I just got back from Hobby Lobby (Super Spring Deals are happening right now 67% off) and I was seriously considering going to my subdivision's pool but then I decided to turn on my computer first.  And boy am I glad I did!  I was nominated for another award.  This is so exciting!!!  Now for those of you master bloggers (and I mean that with all the love in the world) this is probably not as exciting for you as it is for me but I was super stoked!!!  The award is the Liebster Blog and I it is just for those bloggers with under 200 followers so I just barely made it (totally kidding I am better with numbers and counting and place value than that).  So here it are the rules for this one:

1.  Copy and paste the award onto your blog.

 2.  Thank the giver and link back to them.
        Thank you you so much Julie from Math is Elementary!!!   I am super excited that you decided to join Amanda's Fiction Fridays because that's how I found you.  So I guess I should thank Amanda too, thanks Amanda!

3.  Nominate five other bloggers and let them know by commenting on their blogs.
        I agree with Julie's sentiment that there are so many new bloggers out there in bloggyland that are truly deserving of this award so choosing only five will be tough but here goes.  Congratulations to:

        Many of the above mentioned blogs are within their first few dozen or so posts so if you get a chance check them out!!!  Maybe I'll head over to the pool now . . . then again General Hospital starts in less than thirty minutes.  Maybe tomorrow . . .


  1. Hey girl! I tried to find your email but couldn't find it. Can you email ame at please?
