Monday, November 28, 2011

I am Lovin' Nicholas Sparks!

       Do you have a favorite author that is just for you?  I love Eve Bunting for school and Debbie Miller for school and countless others . . . but when I think about reading that is just for me I think of Nicholas Sparks.  I love his books!  I have been hooked since I accidentally stumbled upon The Notebook one summer at the beach back in high school.  I love that his books are romantic (but not graphic).  I love that his books are predictable-but in a good way.  I love that he has a new book every year just in time for my birthday.  My wonderful hubby got me the newest Nicholas Sparks book, The Best of Me for my birthday back in October but school had been so busy that I had not had a chance to pick up my book.  It just sat sadly on my nightstand waiting to be opened.  Then over this long Thanksgiving break I finally had my chance to read my new book and it was well worth the wait!  If you like romantic novels let me encourage you to check out Nicholas Sparks, he never disappoints me.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I've awarded you with the sunshine award! Check it out at thirdgradethinkers8
