Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Kids Say the Cutest Things!

        Many of the blogs that I follow are those of other 3rd grade teachers.  I have only been teaching for nine years but I have not always been a 3rd grade teacher.  I actually began my career teaching Kindergarten, which oh my goodness those were some very tiring years!  I digress.  Six years ago, my last year in Kindergarten before looping with that WONDERFUL class to first grade, we got a new superintendent in my district.  His name was Dr. Wise.  This confused my adorable little five year olds because when they think of doctors they only think of medical doctors.  I could see the terror on their faces as one of my kids asked if he was going to give them a shot when he came to visit our school.  So in order to try and put them at ease I told them that when someone is very smart and goes to school for a very long time they can get a degree that allows people to call them "doctor." 
        The next day my class was visited by our new superintendent.  He came in during our math workshop sat down with his entourage of TWELVE people, including a camera crew-very low key and inconspicuous : )  At the end of the lesson all of our visitors left and I applauded my kiddos on a job well done.  The kids all wanted to know who was the really smart one (I held in a giggle) and let them know that Dr. Wise was the man who had been sitting in Victoria's chair.  Without missing a beat my Alex very politely raised his hand, waited his turn and then said, "Well he can't be that smart.  He didn't even remember to push in his chair."  I lost it! 
        I was reminded of this day today when I walked through the hallway after school and noticed an untucked chair.  I hope that this story made you smile.  If you have a LOL story I would love to hear it!!!   


  1. Loved your story! What an interesting name for a superintendent.


  2. Ha! So cute, funny, and honest.

    Here are 2 of my favorites. I teach Firsties.

    As we were reviewing contractions, I started off asking who remembered what kinds of words were contractions. One little girl proudly shared that they were the dirty words your momma says when she is having a baby. =)

    My other story involves the time we were learning about 3-d shapes. One of my sweeties told me that hugging me was like hugging a cylinder but hugging his momma was like hugging a big ol' sphere! Hahaha! Gotta love that one.

    I am a new follower and am adoring all of your frogs. I have over 60 frog things in my classroom! =)

    I shared a poem I would love for you to come read titled "A Heart of Patience". It is a reminder that we need patience to help not only our kiddos learn but to help them become more caring and patient people themselves. =)

    Heather's Heart

  3. Thank you so much for your adorable stories! I actually laughed out loud : ) I need to check out your poem, I bet I would really like it!
