To Do List:
-Wear a shirt that says "Life" and hand out lemons on the street.
-Hire two private investigators and get them to follow each other.
-Go back to college and major in philosophy and then ask people WHY they would like fries with that.
-Go into a crowded elevator and say, "I bet you're all wondering why I gathered you here," with a straight face.
-Make vanilla pudding, put it in a mayo jar and then eat it in public.
-Make a test (since I am a teacher) where every answer is "C."
-Wait until someone is about to sneeze, right before they do, loudly scream "ACHOO!"
OK, so this is not my actual to do list but those things would be so fun. I am a little bit of a dork but sometimes we need to be right? Oh well. Happy Monday everyone!!!