Saturday, August 11, 2012

First Day Treat!

        I apologize for being MIA this week but it was my last week of summer so I took a break from all things school related.  I reread The Hunger Games trilogy again, I can't even begin to explain how much I love those books-it borders on obsession (I <3 Peeta).  I did want to share a back to school treat that I found and used last year that I plan on using again this week.  The original post comes from Andrea at Stepping into First Grade and is a yummy first day of school treat that you can share with your kiddos without breaking the bank.  First you need to gather a few materials.  You will need:
  • several bags of Goldfish Grahams S'mores (which may be a BOGO at your Publix right now-they are at mine)
  • snack size ziplock bags
  • cute poem (see below)
  • 2" x 4" labels
        What I did was print the little poem on labels, put the labels on the baggies, and fill the baggies with the treat.  I of course changed the grade, added a <3 and my name and decided against the pic. because of a lack of space.  This was a HUGE success last year and I hope to have the same reaction this year.  I hope that you will find this post useful to you.  Happy Saturday!!!


  1. Smores goldfish sound yummy! I will have to by myself an extra bag if I get some for my class. Hehe!

    The Teaching Thief

  2. Thanks for sharing the super cute poem!

