Friday, August 24, 2012

I miss my flip flops!

        This has been a great first week but man am I tired!  To be perfectly honest the fact that I am still awake at ten minutes 'til eight is amazing and possibly a first for my ten years of teaching.  I have to say the hardest part about this week for me anyway has been having to wear real shoes again.  I know that it sounds silly but I feel like my feet have been so cramped all week.  I am actually not sure what I am more excited about for this weekend, sleeping in "late" (past 5 a.m.) or wearing flip flops/going barefoot.  What about you, what was/is the hardest thing for you when it comes to your back to school routine?  Please share!!!


  1. That darn alarm clock is the hardest part. It is my arch enemy. Mainly because I crash each night, and wish I could pull a Sleeping Beauty. But no luck, that alarm clock just keeps waking me up!


  2. I agree, the alarm clock comes in a VERY close second place! Good point :)

  3. I was just having a conversation with someone earlier today about how much I missed my flip flops and how sore my feet were. It's like they can breathe again. I have to agree with my co-blogger Emily about the alarm clock. I shall not mention all the evil thoughts that go through my head when it goes off in the morning he he. Since it is also my phone, I have behaved and not thrown it across the room. lol :)

    Good luck this year! :)
