Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Need a Brain Break?

        Late last week the hubs and I enjoyed a lovely stay-cation.  My favorite hobby of all time is watching tv and/or movies.  I would be a professional couch potato IF it would pay the bills :)  We watched some oldies but goodies that I had never seen including Dr. Zhivago and Fiddler on the Roof as well as the more recent The Perks of Being a Wallflower.  LOVED them all you must watch them if you haven't seen them yet.  Good times!

       This week has been dedicated to professional development.  It will be all five days this week from 8-3 p.m.  Very difficult to sit still and listen for that long.  YIKES!  How do people in other professions do it?!?  On a side note I think that it is hilariously ironic that presenters say over and over again the importance of differentiation and then give every teacher the EXACT SAME PRESENTATION. 

        However, something that I found extremely valuable from today's workshops came from the 20 Brain Break Clips:  Fight the Fidgeting!  There are some cute/entertaining music video ideas on this site.  And of course you can't forget the gobs and gobs of great brain break ideas on TPT. 


  1. Nicole, I couldn't agree with you more! I love all the movies you mentioned. Perks of Being a Wallflower is also a book. (Bonus, the movie script and book were written by the same person.)
    I would also suggest watching all the Rogers and Hammerstein classics, like West Side Story.
    I also agree with you about PD. It puts you in the students minds. I think it makes me realize that the students don't want me to be like a presenter. They would rather have a teacher!
    Thanks for the video!

    1. Great point about how we can get a little presenter-ish in our classroom if we aren't careful. I have never seen West Side story either, yikes. My true love of movies came when I went to college so I have a lot of catching up to do :)

  2. Love brain breaks (for the kids and for myself). Perks of Being a Wallflower was a great movie! I didn't even remember that I had read the book as a teen until I saw the movie-I remember that Smiths song.


    1. Do you have a favorite brain break that you use? I'm just curious. I was thinking about possibly printing some of the awesome freebies I found on TPT and then attaching them to Popsicle sticks and then pulling them at given times. What do you think?
